
Jul 10, 2022

学习笔记:《Full Stack Blockchain Lesson 6:Hardhat Simple Storage



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Hardhat Setup

Troubleshooting Hardhat Setup

  • Special Guest Cami Ramos Garzon
    • Two common problems that you might see
    • can’t get back the menu like this after installing hard hat and running the command npx hard hat in your new project folder
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        it usually just means that you have a config file somewhere that it shouldn't be, and deleting it will get rid of that error.
        // 1.find the file npx hardhat --verbose // 2.delete the config file // 3.recreate npx harhat
    • for getting to npm install

Hardhat Setup Continued

yarn hardhat
e.g. yarn hardhat [task] AVAILABLE TASKS: check Check whatever you need clean Clears the cache and deletes all artifacts compile Compiles the entire project, building all artifacts console Opens a hardhat console coverage Generates a code coverage report for tests flatten Flattens and prints contracts and their dependencies gas-reporter:merge help Prints this message node Starts a JSON-RPC server on top of Hardhat Network run Runs a user-defined script after compiling the project test Runs mocha tests typechain Generate Typechain typings for compiled contracts verify Verifies contract on Etherscan

Deploying SimpleStorage from Hardhat

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rename Lock.sol to SimpleStorage.sol, and update the code.
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fix solidity version error,go to hardhat.config.js and change the version of solidity.
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compile product.
yarn hardhat compile
add prettier and solidity prettier plugins. add file named “.prettierrc”, and add file named “.prettierignore” which tells prettier not to format some files.
yarn add --dev prettier prettier-pulgin-solidity
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edit deploy.js.
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// imports const { ethers } = require("hardhat") // async main async function main() { const SimpleStorageFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory( "SimpleStorage" ) console.log("Deploying contract...") const simpleStorage = await SimpleStorageFactory.deploy() await simpleStorage.deployed() // what's the private key? // what's the rpc url? console.log(`Deployed contract to:${simpleStorage.address}`) } // main main().then(() => process.exit(0)).catch((error) => { console.error(error); process.exit(1); })

Networks in Hardhat

  • Hardhat configuration
    • hardhat have defaultNetwork.
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      add network sections that we want in hardhat.config.js.
      1. add modules dotenv
        1. yarn add --dev dotenv
      1. create file named “.env” and edit it.
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      1. edit hardhat.config.js.
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      1. deploy contract with rinkeby.
        1. // compile by rinkeby yarn hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby // compile by default yarn hardhat run scripts/deploy.js // or yarn hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network hardhat

Programmatic Verification

  • Verify
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Install hardhat-etherscan to make verification process much much easier.
npm install --savedev @nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan
And add the following statement to hardhat.config.js file.
Add following Etherscan config to hardhat.config.js file.
module.exports = { networks: { mainnet: { ... } }, etherscan: { // Your API key for Etherscan // Obtain one at appKey: "YOUR ETHERSCAN_ API KEY" } };
Get api key for Etherscan.
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Add api key in .env.
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And add the following statement to hardhat.config.js file.
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We‘ll get a new verify task.
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programing verification.
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Interacting with Contracts in Hardhat


Artifacts Troubleshooting

Custom Hardhat Tasks

  • Custom block-number task
    • Create tasks folder, and create block-number.js file.
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      const { task } = require("hardhat/config") task("block-number", "prints the current block number").setAction( // async(taskArgs, hre) => { const blockNumber = await hre.ethers.provider.getBlockNumber() console.log(`Current block number:${blockNumber}`) } )
      Import block-number.js to hardhat.config.js .
      excute command yarn hardhat , you will see the log following image.
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      Now you can use the task named block-number .
      yarn hardhat block-number

Hardhat Localhost Node


Default Hardhat Network

every time we work with the harthat network, or every time we run a script, the hardhat network id deleted

hardhat node

Execute following command to create new local host, but it isn’t on the default hardhat network.
# create new network everytime yarn hardhat node
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Custom local host

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The Hardhat Console

Hardhat Tests

  • Basic test
    • Create test folder and test-deploy.js file.
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Edit test-deploy.js file.
const { ethers } = require("hardhat") const { expect, assert } = require("chai") // describe("SimpleStorage", () => {}) describe("SimpleStorage", function () { // let simpleStorageFactory // let simpleStorage let simpleStorageFactory, simpleStorage beforeEach(async function () { simpleStorageFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("SimpleStorage") simpleStorage = await simpleStorageFactory.deploy() }) it("Should start with a favorite number of 0", async function () { const currentValue = await simpleStorage.retrieve() const expectedValue = "0" // assert // expect assert.equal(currentValue.toString(), expectedValue) // expect(currentValue.toString()).to.equal(expectedValue) }) it("Should update when we call store", async function () { const expectedValue = "7" const transactionResponse = await await transactionResponse.wait(1) const currentValue = await simpleStorage.retrieve() assert.equal(currentValue.toString(), expectedValue) }) // Extra - this is not in the video it("Should work correctly with the people struct and array", async function () { const expectedPersonName = "Patrick" const expectedFavoriteNumber = "16" const transactionResponse = await simpleStorage.addPerson( expectedPersonName, expectedFavoriteNumber ) await transactionResponse.wait(1) const { favoriteNumber, name } = await simpleStorage.people(0) // We could also do it like this // const person = await simpleStorage.people(0) // const favNumber = person.favoriteNumber // const pName = assert.equal(name, expectedPersonName) assert.equal(favoriteNumber, expectedFavoriteNumber) }) })
Run test.
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  • Test seeing how much gas function cost
    • Install hardhat-gas-reporter , this is an extension that gets attached to all of our tests and automatically gives us an output that looks like this that tells us approximately how much gas each one of our functions cost.
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      # or yarn add hardhat- gas-reporter -dev npm install hardhat-gas-reporter --save-dev
      Add a new section called gas reporter to have it run whenever we run our test in hardhat.config.js .
      require("hardhat-gas-reporter") module.exports = { gasReporter: { enable: true, } }
      Run following command, and then it will automatically run this gas reporter.
      yarn hardhat test
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Add outputFile in hardhat.config.js , Make it to output file. and then in .gitignored add the file.
require("hardhat-gas-reporter") module.exports = { gasReporter: { enable: true, outputFile: "gasreport.txt", noColors: true, // the colors can get messed up basically when we output to a file currency: "USD", // get the cost of each function in usd coinmarketcap: "your coinmarketcap api key", // in order to get currency here token: "MATIC", } }
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  • Test covered
    • Install solidity-coverage, this is also a hardhat plugin that we can use for our code slowly, tests and sees how many lines of our .sol code is covered in a test.
      yarn add --dev solidity-coverage
      Import solidity-coverage to hardhat.config.js .
      Run following command to see coverage by default.
      yarn hardhat coverage
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Hardhat Gas Reporter

Solidity Coverage

Hardhat Waffle

Lesson 6 Recap

Typescript Hardhat Simple Storage

yarn add --dev @typechain/ethers-v5 @typechain/hardhat @types/chai

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